Kamis, 11 Juni 2015


Junk food is a pejorative term for food containing high levels of   calories  from  sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Use of the term implies that a particular food has little "nutritional value" and contains excessive fat, sugar, salt, and calories. Junk food can also refer to high protein food containing large amounts of meat prepared with, for example, too much unhealthy saturated fat, many hamburger outlets, fried chicken outlets and the like supply food considered junk food.
Despite being labeled as "junk," such foods usually do not pose any immediate health concerns and are generally safe when integrated into a well balanced diet. However, concerns about the negative health effects resulting from the consumption of a "junk food"-heavy diet have resulted in public health awareness campaigns, and restrictions on advertising and sale in several countries
WHO (World Health Organization) under the auspices of the United Nations to seriously discuss the junk food is bad and the organization categorize into 10 groups belonging to the junk food that is: Canned foods, fried foods, processed meat foods, instant noodles, burnt food, processed cheese, pickled foods, candied dried food, frozen food sweets, and fatty meat foods.
Junk food triggers major depression, heart disease and cancer. junk food Affect Your Energy Levels: Junk food does not contain the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy. As a result, you may feel tired and lack of energy that you need to accomplish everyday tasks. The high levels of sugar in fast food makes your metabolism out of control, when you eat refined sugar, the pancreas secrete insulin in high quantities to prevent dangerous spike in blood sugar levels. Because of the fast food and junk food does not contain the amount of protein and carbohydrates and good enough, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly after eating, it makes you feel easy grumpy, tired and craving sugar.
Junk food Contribute to Poor Performance and Obesity. Junk food contains large amounts of fat, and as fat accumulates in your body, you will gain weight and to become obese. More weight you will get closer you are at risk for serious chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis. You can even have a heart attack. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food can lead to high blood pressure or hypertension. Excessive sodium diet can also have negative effects on kidney function, and even cause kidney disease. In the short term, you will feel tired and hard to concentrate because your body may not get enough oxygen.
Junk Food Can Ruin Your Heart. The high levels of fat and sodium in junk food and fast food can contribute to heart disease by raising blood cholesterol levels and contribute to increased arterial plaque. The high level of trans fatty acids found in junk food and fast food can cause fatty liver deposits which, over time, can cause liver dysfunction and disease.
Food garbage Could Lead to Diabetes. Over time, high levels of sugar and simple carbohydrates in junk food can lead to diabetes type 2. This happens because eating too much sugar make your metabolism is not well controlled, when you eat a lot of refined white sugar and simple carbohydrates, your body has to pump production insulin to prevent dangerous spike in blood sugar levels.
Because junk food does not contain protein or complex carbohydrates that your body needs to maintain consistent blood sugar levels, your blood sugar levels will drop suddenly soon after a meal. Over time, uncontrolled metabolic processes will impair your body's ability to use insulin released by pancreatic. A healthy diet can help keep your body insulin sensitivity.
Even in the short term, eating too much junk food can make you feel really comfortable. This can cause mood swings and constipation, and lowers your energy level so that you have less interest in sports you need to burn extra calories.
For example, the effects of consuming junk food, “Hobbies Eating Junk Food? Study Reveals Habits It Make You Lazy Moves”. (Maya Annastasia Kinanti-detikHealth) Thursday, 12/18/2014.
Jakarta, Currently, many facilities that prioritizes everything smelled instant, including food like junk food. Be careful, too 'complacent' with this habit can make you become lazy you know. Yes, a study says that too often eat junk food can make you lazy to move. Even more surprising, this effect will persist even if you're back on a healthy diet.
In this study, researchers from the University of Los Angeles make observations on two groups of mice for six months. One group was given a natural foods such as corn and other groups are given processed foods rich in sugar and almost no nutrition.
No wonder if the second group had a weight gain that is higher than the first group. But the researchers also found that the group who eat processed foods are becoming more lazy, reluctant to move and headaches. In addition, these mice also take more rest time while being given a play activity.
Although both groups of mice were then given the natural foods the same as the first group of rats, the level of laziness and the many activities undertaken by the mice almost no change. "We have often thought that a person becoming obese as lazy. In fact on the contrary, the habit of eating unhealthy foods and make fat is what makes a person lazy. Fat is the cause of lazy and not as a result of lazy," said Blaisdell, one of the researchers from the University of Los Angeles, as quoted from the journal Physiology and Behavior, Thursday (18/12/2014).
I also like to eat junk food, but I had reduced to consume these foods. because of the many negative effects that will be felt by my body. But for once in a while I was still eating junk food just for snacks. And that there should be any size, should not be exaggerated.

There are a few tips for those of you who already like the junk food: If there is a choice of rice, rice ask to substitute fries, Message enough food not too excessive, Avoid mayonnaise sauce, To choose a beverage drink fruit juice or water to avoid too many soft drinks, If you eat chicken georeng, discard the skin because the skin in a delicious chicken contains too much saturated fat and cholesterol, If there is a salad ask, because salad is very good for health because it contains fiber and vitamins, Try to reduce the consumption of junk food, and Expand to eat vegetables and fruits, and learn to have a healthy life.


Currently English or other languages ​​in my opinion a necessity even essential. Especially English. Because English is an international language that is used today. And to get a good job too, should be able to use the English language. Because a company has a goal to become a publicly traded company, therefore, companies prefer receiving employees who are experts in English to facilitate the work of the company. and when employees are fluent in English, companies no longer need to spend more to give courses on the employee
I learned English at school. started learned english from elementary school to high school. And because it is very important to speak English, I was several times following English language courses. I am not a course in special institutions to speak English. But with my English teacher in high school in 2010. In 2010 also, I attended a computer course ICCS (International Certificate in Computer Studies). There, in addition to learning the computer, are also obliged to learn the English language, such as: Reading and Writing, Listening and Speaking. And if it is still in the classroom, maximized use English conversation.
Learning english can with listening english music too. Because with listening music, learning English easier and more enjoyable. And when we are happy with the song, surely we will find the meaning of any lyrics. And it can make us even more to learn words preformance English. So learning english becomes more interesting.
Until now I am still learning to be able to use English correctly. By way of interacting with friends using the English language, maximizing the use of the English language, and have the determination to be able to speak English correctly.

Speaking to use English in my opinion is very pleasant. Because the country can interact without limitation, After I graduated from the Universita Gunadarma, I intend to follow courses in the English-speaking English-pare village located in Kediri, East Java. Therefore, I want to use the English language to get along active wider.